Wednesday 2 July 2008

'Harry Potter' Actor Robert Knox Killed In London Knife Fight

Robert Knox, 18, who portrays Ravenclaw student Marcus Belby in the upcoming movie "Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince" was stabbed to death during a brawl outside a London bar on Saturday. According to The Associated Press, Knox was one of five young men taken to area hospitals after the brawl. Karl Bishop, 21, was later arrested on suspicion of murder.

British officials do not believe the fight was gang related. Knox, who was to make his debut in the sixth installment of the Harry Potter screen franchise, had previously appeared in the 2004 movie "King Arthur," and had signed on to reprise the role of Belby in the final installment of the movie series, "Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows."

"Rob was kind and thoughtful and would always help out others — he would always spend his last penny on other people instead of himself," parents Sally and Colin Knox said in a statement released on Sunday. "The life and soul of the party, he was very outgoing, loved sports and would always strike up a conversation with people. He was respectful to others and adored by all his family and friends. He was [an] asset to the family."

The Telegraph newspaper reported that Knox was killed when he tried to protect his younger brother, Jamie Knox, 17, after two men, including one who was said to be armed with a knife, came into the Metro Bar in southeast London. According to The Independent, Knox's family made a plea for tougher sentencing on knife crimes on Monday. Knox's death was the 28th murder of a teenager in England this year and the 14th in London alone.

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