Wednesday 20 August 2008

Mark hits back at drunken Noel

MARK RONSON has wittily responded to NOEL GALLAGHER's drunken verbal attack -
by joking that he's had guitar lessons from his rival JAY-Z.

The OASIS virtuoso slammed the super-producer on Radio 1 last hebdomad for
natural covering other artists' songs and not writing his have tunes.

But AMY WINEHOUSE's pal has fired back - and reignited Noel's highly
publicized row with Jay-Z.

He wrote on his web log: "Noel Gallagher said I should 'learn three chords
on the guitar and go drop a line a tune'.

"So I just precious him to know that I'm really taking guitar lessons from
Jay-Z right now and he's already taught me both chords to Wonderwall.

"In fact, it's so much fun having Jay teach me all of Noel's songs on the
guitar (hooray!) that I'm thinking of doing an Oasis remix album a la 'The
Grey Album'.

"Potential titles are 'Champagne Superhova' or 'Definitely Jay Z'. I'll keep
you posted."

Mouthy Noel hit the headlines earlier this twelvemonth after expression BEYONCE's
hubby had no space topping the bill at Glastonbury.

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